Chalcedony Opals Large Rondelles Strand

$ 291.00 $ 485.00
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    • Chalcedony Opals Large Rondelles
    • Bead Size: 5mm x 10mm to 12mm x 17mm
    • Approx. 18" long
    • Make this Gem Strand Into A Necklace
    • Chalcedony is used as a variety name to refer specifically to the bluish-gray or lavender color of cryptocrystalline quartz. This color is sometimes called "Actual Chalcedony" but the name can be slightly confusing, as most of the other Chalcedonies are referred to by other names, such as Agate, Bloodstone or Carnelian.
    • The term Chalcedony is derived from the name of the ancient Greek town Chalkedon in Asia Minor. In contemporary stone lore, is thought in lore to promote emotional balance and open the heart to kindness and charity.
    • The gemstone Opal is the official October birthstone. Opal is related to quartz, although it is much softer due to its high water content. As light enters the Opal, it bends around the edges of tiny particles of hydrated silica, "chips" of silicon and oxygen suspended in water within the stone. When it is diffracted, the light that is made up of all visible colors, each with its own wavelength, produces an entire rainbow of colors. They can internally display virtually any color, and Opals with the most “fire” are the most valuable. Diffraction can cause flashes of any color of the rainbow (opalescent).  Australia produces 97% of the world’s Opals, although the reddish-orange “fire” Opals are mined in Mexico. The name Opal was probably derived from Sanskrit "upala", meaning "valuable stone". This was most likely the root for the Greek term "opallios", which translates as "color change". In the days of Roman antiquity there existed a so-called "opalus", or a "stone from several elements". Common folklore rumors Opals may increase intuition, enhance clairvoyance, and reveal the truth.